Alternate Technology
Due to recent strikes and serious breaks in production our members have been pondering alternate means to procure those basic things necessary for living.
Anaerobic composting has been around for a long time. During world war two it was utilized when petrol supplies were exhausted. Hog farms have been able to produce almost all of their electricity from hog manure. In developing countries where fuel is very scarce and the collection of the firewood has all but ravaged the environment this simple technology offers great hope. The process is remarkably simple. Manures, seaweeds, or other bio material is mixed with water to form a slurry. This mixture is then placed in a sealed container where bacteria feed off of it. Methane gas is produced which can be used like other natural gases. At the end the slurry has been converted into high quality fertilizer. In Japan there have been monks who have fed their composted excrement to blue green algae and then harvested the algae which is a super nutritious food. One Zen scholar lived almost entirely of his home made algae products for twenty years! A complete cycle.
With recent scandals involving municipal water supplies it would appear wise to have other ways to ensure a pure water supply. Cisterns have been around since ancient times. Large tarps can be laid out and the rain water collected in large vessels/tanks, preferably covered. For extra purity employ a reverse osmosis system from a gravity fed line. No electricity is required.
Be free from having to depend on the unreliable public transportation system. No longer crammed and packed in proverbial sardine fashion into hot humid buses, the terrible stench. And be free from the increasingly expensive and often times no faster automobile. You can get an o.k. bike for just about free. Some estimate that there is one unused bike for every other person in North America. You can get a push scooter for next to nothing. Then there is roller blades and skate boards. And lest we forget the way we were designed for- walking. Why not multi task? Get a little work out, do some errands, and get from a to b! Enjoy the fresh air and get some natural light for a change! Be free!